What we do

Christmas Cheer Foundation is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt foundation consisting of an all-volunteer group that prepares and delivers meals, new children books and beanie babies to needy families and seniors within the Chicagoland and suburban area on Christmas Day. In addition, we provide other support projects throughout the year.

When did it begin?

In 1981, a group of volunteers gathered at Good Shepherd Church in Oak Park to provide meals that would be delivered by a friendly face to about 150 homebound people on Christmas morning. These people received Meals on Wheels on regular bases, but due to the holiday no meal would be available to them that day.

When do all the activities begin?

CCF planning is a year around project of love with the core group of volunteers. But our major work (when we need our large group of volunteers) starts in early December and continues during the whole month. Culminating on Christmas Day when we need the most volunteers.

Where does all this take place?

Prior to Christmas Day, CCF works with the cooperation of St. Cyprian Parish in River Grove and the Dominican University in River Forest.

But on Christmas Day and a week prior to Christmas all activities are located at the Dominican University Priory campus

How many volunteers are needed and what do they do?

Over 400 volunteers help with wrapping and transportation of various items to the Priory about a week before Christmas. In addition on Christmas Day, 500 volunteers are involved in the assembling, preparation, routing, delivering, and clean up and all the other necessary activities in order to complete our labor of love.